Page 49 - Poetry-Family
P. 49

Only a Pin

               Only a pin; yet, it calmly lay
               On the tufted floor in the light of day;
               And it shone serenely fair and bright
               Reflecting back the noonday light.

               Only a boy; yet he saw that pin,
               And his face assumed a fiendish grin;
               He stopped for a while with look intent,
               Till he and the pin alike were bent.

               Only a chair; but upon its seat
               A well-bent pin found safe retreat;
               Nor had the keenest eye discerned
               That heavenward its point was turned.

               Only a man; but he chanced to drop
               Upon that chair, when, fizz-bang-pop!
               He leaped like a cork from out a bottle
               And opened with its valve de throttle.

               Only a yell, though an honest one,
               It lacked the element of fun;
               And boy and man and pin and chair,
               In wild confusion mingled there.

               —(from a Victorian Scrap Album)

               Zek’el Brown Unburdens Himself

               The neatest woman in town
                   Folks say I’ve got for a wife;
               And what folks say is gospel truth
                   This time, you bet your life.

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