Page 45 - Poetry-Family
P. 45

Ballad of the Burglar

               It was a wicked burglar,
                   Who with his jimmy pried
               And twisted at the window,
                   And soon he was inside.
               It was the wakeful wify
                   Who clutched her husband’s arm
               And in a voice that trembled
                   Told him of her alarm.
               She said “I heard the burglar
                   As he was creeping in
               And heard him curse the rocker
                   That struck upon his shin.

               “Since then within the pantry
                   Strange noise I hear him make;
               I fear that he has eaten
                   My first, my only cake.

               “Oh, hubby, hasten swiftly
                   And summon the police
               And have them take to prison
                   This breaker of our peace!”
               It is the brutal husband
                   Who cynically sneers
               At what his wify tells him
                   And snickers at her fears.
               He says, “If this poor burglar
                   Has eaten all that cake,
               The coroner I’ll send for
                   When morning light doth break.”
               It is a carven tombstone
                   Which tells, in letters good,
               “A Burglar, With the Angels,
                   From Eating Angel Food!”
               —(The Baltimore American)

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