Page 31 - Poetry-Romance
P. 31

She knows how fast the planets spin,
                   Can trace a comet’s orbit;
               She likes to plunge the litmus in
                   The acids which absorb it.

               She drives half mad her brother Jack,
                   Who’s fresh from Alma Mater,
               With questions on the Zodiac,
                   Or Sanscrit forms of pater.

               She’s sorry ladies can’t as yet
                   Join Christchurch, Caius, or Merton,
               But means to ask papa to let
                   Her go next year to Girton.

               — Paul Blake (Girl’s Own Paper, 1882)

               Sir Jones and His Ride

               Sir Jones he twisted his slight mustache,
                   And he gazed in the glass with pride,
               “And if it were not,” he said, “so hot,
                   I would take her this day to ride;
               For she is wealthy and I am poor,
                   And she is fair to see,
               And gayly she laughs at my little jokes,
                   And sweetly she smiles on me.”
               — Margaret Vandegrift (Century Magazine, 1882)

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