Page 36 - Poetry-Romance
P. 36

             Oh, dear me, no! But, sir, you must not state
             That he’s already on the Party slate!—
             And do not say that I have told you this,
             Or that I care for him!—swear on this kiss!—

             Sweet Lady, I can “swear” the heavens blue
             And I am free to say he swears by you!
             The point is not, to swear my blue eyes dim,
             But frankly this: will you swear thus by him?
             If you refuse, ‘tis settled in a trice!—
             Another Party calls him “very nice!”
             What, she!—O Cupid, hasn’t he more sense?
             Her charms are all in the imperfect tense.
             I will say this: He’s far too good a man,
             To be entrapped by that sly Party’s plan.
             He ought to join some Party of the best
             Youth, beauty, taste, found either East or West;
             Whose principles, both elegant and sound,
             Are firmly based on such important ground
             As strict reform of the Domestic Service—
             But do not say that I have told you this,
             Or know such Party—swear upon this kiss!
             Sweet Lady, you’re that Party to the letter,
             But he describes your virtues, more and better,
             Then may I understand we quite agree?—
             Who has my suffrage asks on bended knee!
             But do not say that I have told you this—

             I “swear,” Sweet Lady, on a triple-kiss!

             Here’s “Hymen’s Times,” Feb. 14-’83;
             I wonder what it says regarding me? —
             GOOD GRACIOUS! —was there ever such a scandal!
             He’s printed every word I said!—THE VANDAL!

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