Page 50 - Poetry-Romance
P. 50

A Rhyme for Priscilla

             Dear Priscilla, quaint, and very
                Like a modern Puritan,
             Is a modest, literary,
                Merry young American:
             Horace she has read, and Bion
                Is her favorite in Greek;
             Shakspere is a mighty lion
                In whose den she dares but peek;
             Him she leaves to some sage Daniel,
                Since of lions she’s afraid,—
             She prefers a playful spaniel,
                Such as Herrick or as Praed;
             And it’s not a bit satiric—
                To confess her fancy goes
             From the epic to a lyric
                On a rose.

             Wise Priscilla, dilettante,
                With a sentimental mind,
             Doesn’t deign to clip in Dante,
                And to Milton isn’t kind;
             L’Allegro, Il Penseroso
                Have some merits she will grant,
             All the rest is only so-so,—
                Enter Paradise she can’t!
             She might make a charming angel
                (And she will if she is good,
             But it’s doubtful if the change’ll
                Make the Epic understood):
             Honey-suckling, like a bee she
                Goes and pillages his sweets,
             And it’s plain enough to see she
                Worships Keats.

             Gay Priscilla,— just the person
                For the Locker whom she loves;
             What a captivating verse on
                Her neat-fitting gowns or gloves
             He could write in catching measure,

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