Page 51 - Poetry-Romance
P. 51

Setting all the heart astir!
               And to Aldrich what a pleasure
                   It would be to sing of her,—
               He, whose perfect songs have won her
                   Lips to quote them day by clay.
               She repeats the rhymes of Bunner
                   In a fascinating way,
               And you’ll often find her lost in—
                   She has reveries at times—
               Some delightful one of Austin
                   Dobson’s rhymes.

               O Priscilla, sweet Priscilla,
                   Writing of you makes me think,
               As I burn my brown Manila
                   And immortalize my ink,
               How well satisfied these poets
                   Ought to be with what they do
               When, especially, they know it’s
                   Read by such a girl as you:
               I who sing of you would marry
                   Just the kind of girl you are,—
               One who doesn’t care to carry
                   Her poetic taste too far,—
               One whose fancy is a bright one,
                   Who is fond of poems fine,
               And appreciates a light one
                   Such as mine.

               — Frank Dempster Sherman (Century Magazine, 1886)

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