Page 67 - Poetry-Romance
P. 67

I can’t say why or wherefore; each
               Must draw his individual moral,
               But ere we spoke three words we seemed
                       To quarrel.

               It wasn’t that she pinched or dyed;
               She didn’t, any more than I did;
               Nor did she smoke, or favor skirts

               Nor were, as far as I could see,
               Her stockings blue, nor red her tresses,
               Nor did she love aesthetic fads
                       In dresses.

               Nor was it that I ever found
               Her fringe in curl the least bit lacking
               Or chanced to note her shoes in need
                       Of blacking.

               She’d none of these faults; yet dislike
               Grew into hate; I couldn’t stop it;
               Nor can I tell the reason now,
                       So drop it.

               That she was handsome, I’ll admit,
               And looked at times a very goddess,
               Nay, more, a Venus plus a skirt
                       And bodice.

               Her lips were like Diana’s bow,
               Her dark eyes would have graced a Juno,

               She walked like—I forget her name—
                       But you know.

               And I must fain admit, although
               I loathed her, not to put it finely,
               She was a clever girl, and sang

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