Page 72 - Poetry-Romance
P. 72

Most persistently I’m cramming, but I weary of my shamming,
                And am not intoxicated with Castalia’s bitter cup;
             I might win the maid’s affections through a course in conic sections,
                But I wonder if, once married, I could keep the blamed thing up.

             — Edward A. Church (Century Magazine, 1894)

             The Ballad of a Bachelor

             Listen, ladies, while I sing
             The ballad of John Henry King.

             John Henry was a bachelor,
             His age was thirty-three or four.

             Two maids for his affection vied,
             And each desired to be his bride,

             And bravely did they strive to bring
             Unto their feet John Henry King.

             John Henry liked them both so well,
             To save his life he could not tell

             Which he most wished to be his bride,
             Nor was he able to decide.

             Fair Kate was jolly, bright, and gay,
             And sunny as a summer day;

             Marie was kind, sedate, and sweet,
             With gentle ways and manners neat.

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