Page 83 - Poetry-Romance
P. 83

It is all very well,
                   Such stories to tell,
               But if I were a maid, all forlorn-ing,
                   And a lover should drop,
                   In the clover, to pop,
               At five o’clock in the morning.
                   If I liked him, you see,
                   I’d say, “Please call at three.”
               If not, I’d turn on him with scorning,
                   “Don’t come here, you flat,
                   With conundrums like that,
               At five o’clock in the morning!”

               — John Paul (from a Victorian Scrap Album)

               A Woman’s Plea

               Ah! yes, indeed it’s very true
               That I enjoy a walk with you,
               But should I like it, if I tried
               To walk life’s pathway by your side?

               I like to talk to you? Oh, yes,
               Just for an hour perhaps, or less,
               But should I like the whole day through
               To have to talk to—only you?

               It pleases me to see you? Well!
               I own it does! But who can tell
               If I should care to see your face
               Daily—in one accustomed place?

               Have patience with me! Do not smile—
               Let me delay a little while—
               You see, it means my whole, whole life,
               If I consent to be—your—wife!

               — L.G. Moberly (Girl’s Own Paper, 1898)

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