Page 84 - Poetry-Romance
P. 84

A Graduating Essay

             Dear Friends! My essay is to-night
                On Woman’s Future Sphere—
             (I wonder how I look in white;
                My sash feels rather queer).

             Of late years only woman threw
                Her shackles off and rose—
             (Oh, dear! I never had a shoe
                So pinch and hurt my toes).

             No longer slave to selfish man
                She will new heights explore—
             (Suppose they recognize my fan
                I borrowed from next door).

             Her brain, once dulled, is active now;
                Her tongue, once stilled, can speak—
             (Before the glass I learned my bow;
                It took me just one week).

             Armed with her knowledge and its strength
                She will the world o’ercome—
             (My gloves have quite a stylish length,
                One’s bursted at the thumb).

             Man will, yes, must acknowledge that
                We women lead in all—
             (I’m thinking if a bigger hat
                Will be the thing next fall).

             Dear Friends, Adieu! Our future sphere
                I know will be immense—
             (Just look at my bouquets—I fear
                Pa’ll growl at the expense).

             — H.C. Dodge (from a Victorian Scrap Album)

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