Page 10 - Poetry-Whimsy
P. 10

Just now I heard a song—and when it ended,
             Rose many voices, crying out “Encore!
             I’ve not the least idea to what it tended,
                                         Next door!

             Now I hear shouts of mirth from six or seven;
             Again the laugh bursts out into a roar:
             I’m sure they do not go the way to heaven,
                                         Next door!

             And I’ve heard screams, and sounds of lamentation,
             Which then made me perspire from every pore.
             I don’t begin to like the situation,
                                         Next door!

             I saw two surgeons pass, and three physicians!
             (Some walked exceeding fast, and some went slow’r;)
             This really is enough to raise suspicions,
                                         Next door!

             My patience, not my vigilance, relaxes,—
             My rage cools not because the frost is hoar:
             I don’t believe they’ve paid their rent and taxes,
                                         Next door!

             I wonder with what sort of folks they mingle;
             I’ve counted since the cat began to snore,
             Ten double knocks, and half a dozen single,
                                         Next door!

             I’ve had a peep from Betty’s attic chamber,
             Which overlooks the wall they spiked all o’er,
             That nothing human might attempt to clamber,
                                         Next door!

             From there I noticed several persons walking,
             And very strange apparel too they wore;
             Some laughing; many playing, and some talking,
                                         Next door!

             They seemed like actors a new play rehearsing,—
             One in a rage his glossy ringlets tore,

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