Page 14 - Poetry-Whimsy
P. 14

Something Like a Title

              We have seen many singular title-pages in our time, but “never
               aught like this.” It indicates a volume of extracts from several

                     Astonishing Anthology from Attractive Authors.
                           Broken Bits from Big Men’s Brains.
                         Choice Chips from Chaucer to Canning.
                        Dainty Devices from Diverse Directions.
                       Eggs of Eloquence from Eminent Essayists.
                         Fragrant Flowers from Fields of Fancy.
                         Gems of Genius Gloriously Garnished.
                           Handy Helps from Head and Heart.
                     Illustrious Intellects Impertinently Interpreted.
                        Jewels of Judgment and Jests of Jocularity.
                     Kindling to Keep from the King to the Kitchen.
                         Loosened Leaves from Literary Laurels.
                        Magnificent Morsels from Mighty Minds.
                        Numerous Nugets from Notable Noodles.
                         Oracular Opinions Officiously Offered.
                         Prodigious Points from Powerful Pens.
                       Quirks and Quibbles from Queer Quarters.
                          Rare Remarks Ridiculously Repeated.
                        Suggestive Squirts from Several Sources.
                      Tremendous Thoughts on Thundering Topics.
                     Utterances of the Uppermost Use and Unction.
                           Valuable Views in Various Voices.
                         Wisps of Wit in a Wilderness of Words.
                            Xcellent Xtracts Xactly Xpressed.
                    Yawnings and Yearnings for Youthful Yachtsmen.
                      Zeal and Zest from Zoroaster to Zimmerman.

                            —(Cassell’s Family Paper, 1860)

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