Page 27 - Poetry-Whimsy
P. 27

My Collection: An Invitation

               Dear, come and see              To see it all arrayed!
                   My pottery,                 A yellow plaque
                   My plaques and jugs,            Hangs in a rack,
                   My cups and mugs,               Whose leaves upraise
               And all the thingumy                Mid shining glaze
                   In china, glass,            In autumn’s changing state;
                   Magolicas,                      And just near by,
                   And faience fair,               With laughing eye,
                   With other ware                 A reaper fair
               That here belong to me!             With vine-wreathed hair
                   For ‘tis the rage           Waves sickle in a plate!
                   Thus to engage                  While in between
                   In gathering up                 A fish doth lean
                   Each cracked old cup            ‘Twixt crab and shell,
               Of our grandmothers’ sets;          Whose colors tell
                   And costly are              ‘Tis dish of Pulissy;
                   Ancestral jar,                  Then cups a pair,
                   And tea-pot spared,             With parrots there,
                   As lawsuit heired,              Real Japanese,
               Or paying of one’s debts!           Which, if you please;
                   We seeking prowl            Just handle carefully!
                   Without a growl                 Next flowery bowl
                   Through garret dust             I must enroll
                   For flagons thrust              On platter square
               Aside as out of date,               Where blossoms rare
                   And with cement             Ne’er die, or fade away!
                   And patience spent              With Wedgewood jug,
                   Each broken bowl                And Canton mug;
                   Is now made whole               Whose melting blues
               With rarest style to mate!          Contrast their hues
                   And fashion says            Upon a Dresden tray !
                   That now-a-days,                Here’s long-necked cruise
                   Or less or more                 None e’er refuse
                   Like crockery store             As Pompeian,
               Our parlors must be made;           Though each black man
                   And so I fill               Grew there by Carib sea!
                   Each shelf and sill             And rich Sevres cup
                   With varied ware,               On hook tipped up,
                   And ask you there               ‘Gainst saucer frail

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