Page 30 - Poetry-Whimsy
P. 30


          Once a poet wrote a sonnet
          All about a pretty bonnet,
          And a critic sat upon it
             (On the sonnet,
             Not the bonnet),
             Nothing loth.

          And as if it were high treason
          He said,  “Neither rhyme nor reason
          Has it. And it’s out of season!”
             Which? The sonnet
             Or the bonnet?
             May be both.

          “ ‘Tis a feeble imitation
          Of a worthier creation,
          An aesthetic innovation!”
             Of a sonnet,
             Or a bonnet?
             This was hard.

          Both were put together neatly,
          Harmonizing very sweetly.
          But the critic crushed completely,
             Not the bonnet,
             Or the sonnet,
             But the bard!

          —(Young Ladies’ Journal, 1882)

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