Page 46 - Poetry-Whimsy
P. 46

Compared with a Cosmogony?
          Or what—confess it, dearest Jones
          Are many wives’ and children’s moans
          To that loud cry of grief and woe
          With which the learned world shall know
          That it can never hope to see
          The long-expected Volume Three?”

          “Quite true,” sighed Jones. “And yet—and yet—
          I think, dear Brown, that you forget
          The theory of Average
          As held in this enlightened age.
          Had all the mighty men of old—
          Kings, scholars, statesmen, heroes bold
          Suffered untimely taking-off
          With measles, croup, or whooping-cough,
          Think you that this great earth would then
          Have nourished only common men?
          Had Homer died a stripling lad,
          Should we have lost the Iliad?
          Would Shakspere’s early, timeless death
          Have cost us Hamlet, Lear, Macbeth?
          The voice of reason answers, ‘No;
          Wrong not prolific Nature so!’
          Now, if this theory is true,
          It must apply, dear Brown, to you;
          And, fearless, you may leave behind
          This master-product of your mind
          (Though all unfinished, as you say),
          Assured that, at no distant day,
          Another will be found to do
          The work so well begun by you.
          But I—”
                 “Allow me!” struck in Brown.
          “The ship is plainly going down;
          And, ere she sinks beneath us, I
          Would most decidedly deny
          The theory of which you speak.
          It is ingenious, but weak—
          A vain though pleasing fallacy,
          That never has deluded me.

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