Page 47 - Poetry-Whimsy
P. 47

Besides, the theory, if true,
           Applies with equal force to you;
           For, dearest Jones, if you are drowned,
           Doubtless another will be found
           To comfort your dear wife, and be
           A father to your children three!”
           “Nay, nay!” cried Jones, “you jest, dear   Brown”
           But at this point the ship went down:
           The arguments of both, you see,
           Balanced to such a nicety,
           So fine, so subtile, so profound,
           That both held on,—and both were drowned!

           — Robert Trowbridge (Century Magazine, 1885)

                                Hobson’s Choice

                           A thief on his trial refused to be sworn.
                       “Of what use,” queried he, “will my evidence be?
                       If I tell the whole truth, I shall get the Old Nick;
                       If I tell what’s not true, the Old Nick will get me.”

                         — Francis E. Leupp (Century Magazine, 1885)

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