Page 80 - Poetry-Whimsy
P. 80

The New Jersey Jacket

          How dear to my heart is the new jersey jacket!
             A well-moulded figure ‘twas made to adorn.
          I’m sure, as an elegant, close-fitting sacque, it
             Lays over all garments I ever have worn.
          Oh, my! with delight it is driving me crazy;
             The feelings that thrill me no language may tell.
          Just look at its color. Oh, ain’t it a daisy?
             The new jersey jacket that fits me so well!
                 The close-fitting jacket, the crimson-hued jacket
             The new jersey jacket that fits me so well.

          It clings to my shoulders so tightly and neatly;
             Its fair, rounded slopes show no wrinkle or fold;
          It fits this plump figure of mine as completely
             As if I’d been melted and poured in its mould.
          How fertile the mind that was moved to design it;
             Such rhythm pervades each depression and swell!
          The waist would entice a strong arm to entwine it—
             The waist of the jersey that fits me so well!
                 The crimson-hued jersey, the close-fitting jersey
             The new jersey jacket that fits me so well.

          Of course I will wear it to parties and dances,
             And gentlemen there will my figure admire;
          The ladies will throw at me envious glances,
             And that’s just the state of affairs I desire;
          For feminine envy and male admiration
             Proclaim that their object’s considered a belle
          Oh, thou art of beauty the fair consummation,
             My new jersey jacket that fits me so well!
                 The black-braided jacket, the close-fitting jacket
             The new jersey jacket that fits me so well.

          —(Somerville Journal)

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