Page 83 - Poetry-Whimsy
P. 83

Rules for Sunday

           Dress hard all morning, such is fate,
           Then enter church some minutes late.

           All eyes will then be turned on you,
           And will observe your bonnet new.

           Let humble modesty wreathe your face,
           And take your seat with faultless grace.

           Let all your thoughts be turned on high,
           And re-arrange your cardinal tie.

           Think how religion’s prone to bless,
           And criticize your neighbor’s dress.

           Let all your heart be filled with praise,
           And notice Mrs. Miggie’s lace.

           Put from your mind all thought of sin,
           And re-adjust your diamond pin.

           Think of how good religion proves,
           And then smooth out your buttoned gloves.

           Catch well the precepts as they fall,
           And smooth the wrinkles in your shawl.

           Think of the sinner’s fearful fate,
           And notice if your bonnet’s straight.

           Pray for the influence of Divine—
           That lady’s basque; mark the design.

           Let tender peace possess your mind,
           And criticize that hat behind.

           Reflect on Christian graces, dear,
           And fix those curls beside your ear.

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