Page 35 - English
P. 35

IV: Geographical.


               The  three natural divisions of America are Europe, Ashea  and
               North America is separated by Spain.
               The countries of North America are Britschish, Washington, Canada
                   Nina and Mexica.
               America is divided into the Passiffic slope and the Mississippi valey.
               America consists from north to south about 500 miles.
               Amireca is in the torade zone.
               The climit of America is very worm.
               The climate of America is modrant—modern in the middle.
               The principle mountains of America are the Alagany and on the cost
                   range on the eastern part all.
               The Rocking Mountains are the graitest in America.
               The great Lakes of America is champagne.
               The great lakes of America are Siperior, Ontarria  and Hurryon,
               The principal mts. of America are lamb beaf veal.

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