Page 37 - English
P. 37

Philadelphia is the capitol of New York and it is in the south West
               Washenton is in the Northron part of New York.
               New York was once called the Emperor state because it once had a
               Aduculung and Mineing is the chief industry of New York State.
               The Rocky Mountains are on the western side of Philadelphia.
               The Rocking Mountain is east of Mass. Algany east of Rocky
                   Sirranevada east of Algany.
               The Alaginnies are mountains in Philadelfia.
               The Arondack Mountains are north of Canada.
               The White Mountains are in England.
               The Yosemity Valley is the highest mountain in the world.
               The Mississippi River runs soulth and empies into Mexico.
               Mason and Dixon’s line is the Equater.
               Cape  Hatteras  is  a  vast  body  of  water  surrounded  by  land  and
                   flowing into the Gulf of Mexico.
               Canada is south of New York.
               The City of Canada is Columbia in the westarn part of Columbia.
               Two cities in Canada are andruscogin and kenibek.
               Stock rason is the occupation of canada.
               The rapids of St. Lorence is caused by the canoes of the lndianes.
               British America is overturned by queen Victorier.
               Alasca is governed by the Britished America.
               The productions of Central America is fish.
               Vancoover is the North West United States.
               Cuba and Newfoundland is Southeast of America.
               The climate of Mexico is very barren being hot or cold.
               California is the capitol of San Francisco.
               The occupation of Greenland is speering the seel.
               The oppacation of the Greenland whisky lemon bannanars.
               The occupation of the people of Greenland seals and the people of
                   California gathrin gold.
               The people of Greenland  people do seal fishing and whailing of
                   Alaska people are gathering furs of the Indies people fishing and

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