Page 109 - Graveyard
P. 109

G r av e y ar d H u m o r  | 107

                   No reflection on him for rude speech could be cast,
                   Though he gave our old organ many a blast!
                   No puffer was he, though a capital blower;
                   He could blow double C, and now lies a note lower.

               315.  From Bury St. Edmunds. On a Printer:—

                   Like a worn-out type he is returned to the founder, in hopes of being
                   re-cast in a better and more perfect mould.

               316.  From a Churchyard in Essex:—

                   Here lies the man Richard,
                       And Mary his wife;
                   Their surname was Pritchard,
                       They lived without strife.
                   And the reason was plain:
                       They abounded in riches,
                   They had no care or pain,
                       And the wife wore the breeches.

               317.  On Mr. Jones, a celebrated bone merchant:—

                   Here lies the bones of William Jones,
                   Who, when alive, collected bones;
                   But Death, that bony, grizzly spectre,
                   That most amazing bone collector,
                   Has boned poor Jones so snug and tidy,
                   That here he lies in bonâ fide.

               318.  On a Photographer:—

                   Here I am, taken from life.

               319.  On a Mrs. Penny:—
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