Page 104 - Graveyard
P. 104

102 |  Gr a v e y a r d  H u m o r

               Think what a wife should be,
               And she was that.

            (See Nos. 4, 189, and 196.)

            293.  From Caermarthen Churchyard:—

               The Old must go, Wee all agree,
               So must the Young, Wee plainly see.
               Repent in time, and seek for Grace,
               This world is no abiding place.

            294.  From the same place:—

               Praises on tombs are trifles vainly spent,
               A man’s good name is his best monument.

            295.  From the same place. On Thomas Hughes, Mariner:—

               Having served for many
               Years in the royal navy,
               He spent his later years
               In the costing trade.

            296.  From the same place, on the tomb of Thos. Jones, Esq.:—

               This notice is here given, if any person or Persons do any Damage to
               this Tombstone will be subject to a Penalty of Hundred Pounds for
               such deed, to be paid to the official Clergyman of this Parish.

            297.  From Wrexham Churchyard:—

               Born in America, in Europe bred,
               In Africa travell’d, and in Asia wed.

            12  Editor’s Note: I believe this is an earlier term for “coasting trade,” which (broadly put)
            refers to vessels used for the transport of goods or passengers from one port to another
            within the same country (i.e., London to Liverpool).
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