Page 111 - Graveyard
P. 111

G r av e y ar d H u m o r  | 109

                   So shaking hands with all he left in love,
                   His body’s here, his better part’s above.

               324.  From Bakewell, Derbyshire:—

                   The local powers here let us mark
                   Of Philip, our late Parish clerk:
                   In church none ever heard a layman,
                   With a clearer voice say Amen.
                   Who now with Hallelujah’s sound
                   Like him can make the roof rebound?
                   The choirs lament his choral tones,
                   The town so soon—here lie his bones.

               325.  From the same place:—

                                      In memory of John Dale.
                      Know, all posterity, that in the year of grace 1797 the rambling
                     remains of the above said John Dale were laid upon his two wives:

                   This thing in life might cause some jealousy:
                   Here all three lay together lovingly;
                   But from embraces here no pleasure flows,
                   Alike are here all human joys and woes.
                   Here old John’s rambling Sarah no more fears.
                   And Sarah’s chiding John no longer hears;
                   A period’s come to all their toilsome lives:
                   The good man’s quiet. Still are both his wives.

               326.  From Leek Churchyard:—

                   As I was, so be ye;
                   As I am, ye shall be;
                   That I gave, that I have;
                   What I spent, that I had;
                   Thus I end all my cost;
                   What I left, that I lost.
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