Page 116 - Graveyard
P. 116

114 |  Gr a v e y a r d  H u m o r

               Heinrich Bruggeman heissich,
               Nach dem Himmel reise ich,
               Will mal seh’n was Jesus macht,
               Liebe Bruder, gute nacht.

            346.  On Robin Hood:—

               Hear underneath this latil stean
               Laiz Robert Earl of Huntington,
               Nea arcir ver az hie sa geud,
               An pipel kauld him Robin Heud.
               Sich atlaz az he an iz men
               Vil England nior si agen.
               Obit 24 Kalend, Dikimbris, 1247.

            347.  From Hewelsfield, near St. Briavels:—

               Farewell, vain World, I know enough of thee,
               I value not what thou canst say of me;
               Thy smiles I court not, nor thy frowns I fear;
               All’s one to me, my head lies quiet here:
               What thou see’st amiss in me take care to shun;
               Look well at home, there’s something to be done.
                   Jonna Edwards,
                   of Harthill Court,
                   Died November 14 , 1838.

            348.  From St. Nicholas’, Yarmouth:—

               Here lies John Moore, a miser old,
               Who filled his cellar with Silver and Gold.
                (h) Old Moore he cried, old Moore, old Moore,

              Editor’s Note: Translated by Dawn Copeman:
            My name is Heinrich Bruggeman/I'm travelling to Heaven
            To see what Jesus is up to now/Dear Brother, good night.
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