Page 32 - Graveyard
P. 32

30 |  G r av e y ar d H u m o r

            39.  On Lord Brougham.

            It is said that this distinguished nobleman, once in a playful mood, wrote
            the following epitaph for himself:—

               Here, reader, turn your weeping eyes,
                   My fate a useful moral teaches;
               The hole in which my body lies
                   Would not contain one half my speeches.

            40.  From a Montgomeryshire Churchyard.

            In this churchyard there are some remarkably large yew trees; beneath one
            of them is a gravestone with the following inscription:—

               Under this yew-tree
               Buried would I be,
               For my father and me
               Planted this yew-tree.

            41.  From Gloucester.

            On a youth of the name of  Calf, who  was buried in Gloucester

               Oh, cruel death, more subtle than the Fox,
               To kill this Calf before he came an Ox!

            The writer has an idea that there is a German epitaph similar to this, as
            there certainly is one in French:—

               Ci-git le jeune Jean le Veau
               Sans devenir Bœuf ou Taureau.

            Which may be rendered:—
               John Calf, junior, lieth here,
               Without becoming Ox or Steer.
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