Page 34 - Graveyard
P. 34

32 |  G r av e y ar d H u m o r

                              February 14 , 18 13, Aged 15.
                                   She lived beloved
                                  And died lamented.

            46.  On Lady Miller, in Bath Abbey:—

                      Near this monument are deposited the Remains of
                                     Lady Miller,
                      Wife to Sir John Miller, Bart, of Bath-Easton Villa.

                    She departed this life, at the Hotwells of Bristol, the 24
                        June, 1781, in the Forty-first year of her Age.

                          Devoted Stone! amidst the wrecks of Time,
                           Uninjured bear thy Miller’s spotless Name:
                          The Virtues of her Youth, and ripen’d Prime,
                         The tender thought, th’ enduring Record claim.

                       When clos’d the numerous eyes that round this Bier
                          Have wept the Loss of wide-extended Worth;
                           O, gentle Stranger, may one gen’rous Tear
                         Drop, as thou bendest o’er this hallow’d Earth.

                          Are Truth and Genius, Love and Pity, thine?
                            With lib’ral Charity, and Faith sincere?
                        Then rest thy wandering Step beneath this shrine;
                            And greet a kindred Spirit hov’ring near.

            47.  On James Quin, in Bath Abbey.

            Underneath his bust is the following inscription:—

                                   OB: MDCCLXVI.
                                     Ætat: LXXIII.

               That tongue which set the table on a roar,
               And charm ‘d the public ear, is heard no more:
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