Page 36 - Graveyard
P. 36

34 |  G r av e y ar d H u m o r

               Such desolations in my time have been,
               I have an end of all perfection seen.

            50.  On Francis Grose.

            Grose was an Author of some Topographical works—a fact which gave
            the writer of his epitaph the opportunity of punning as follows:—

                                 Here lies Francis Grose.
                               On Thursday, May 12, 1791,
                                  Death put an end to
                                 His views and prospects!

            51.  From old Grey Friars, at Edinburgh:—

               Here snug in grave my wife doth lie;
               Now she’s at rest and so am I.

            Several epitaphs of a similar description are to be met with in different
            parts of the world—52, for example, is from our Antipodes. No. 53 may,
            however, have the preference, as it is simply a quotation from the Sacred

            52.  From an Australian Graveyard:—

               Here lies my wife Polly, a terrible shrew;
               If I said I was sorry, I should lie too.

            According to Major Austin, this is to be seen in Père-la-Chaise.

            53.  From a Churchyard in Sussex:—

               Here lies the body of Sarah, wife of John ___________,
                   who died 24  March, 1823, aged 42 years.
               “The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away:
                   blessed be the name of the Lord.”
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