Page 90 - Graveyard
P. 90

88 |  G r av e y ar d H u m o r

            243.  On Nicholas Ferry, a French Dwarf.

            He died at the age of twenty-three, and measured thirty-three inches in
            height; was, whilst alive, under the protection of the Duke of Lorraine. It is
            said that the Duke felt his loss severely, and caused an epitaph in Latin to
            be inscribed on his tomb, of which the following is a translation:—

                                       Here lies
                                    Nicholas Ferry,
                                      A Lorraine.
            Nature’s plaything. In virtue of the smallness of his Stature he was beloved
                                by the modern Antoninus,
                 Old in the flower of existence. For him five lustres were an age.
                         He died on the 9  of June, in the year 1764.

            (See No. 249 for an epitaph on another dwarf.)

            244.  On a Woman:—

               Underneath this sod lies Arabella Young,
               Who on the 5  of May began to hold her tongue.

            245.  From a Churchyard in Yorkshire:—

               In faith she dies,
               Within she lies,
               Here underneath,
               Though without breath.

            246.  From Henley, 1799:—

               A  loving Husband, tender Father, and sincere friend,
               A generous and an honest man unto his end;
               Always inclin’d to serve his friends when in trouble
               Doubtless, by the Lord he’ll be rewarded double.
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