Page 93 - Graveyard
P. 93

G r av e y ar d H u m o r  | 91

               255.  On Mr. Horse:—

                   A generous foe, a faithful friend,
                   A victor bold, here met his end;
                   He conquer’d both in war and peace;
                   By death subdued, his glories cease.
                   Ask’st thou who finished here his course,
                   With so much honour?—‘twas a Horse.

               256.  On John Sullen:—

                   Here lies John Sullen, and it is God’s will
                   He that was Sullen should be Sullen still;
                   He still is Sullen, if the truth ye seek;
                   Knock until doomsday, Sullen will not speak.

               257.  An Epigrammatic one:—

                   Beneath yon humble clod at rest,
                   Lies Andrew, who, if not the best,
                       Was not the very worst man;
                   A little rakish, apt to roam,
                   But not so now, he’s quite at home,
                       For Andrew was a Dustman.

               258.  From Rothsay:—

                  Erected by Jane_____, to the memory of her husband John _____.
                  “Him that cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out.”

               259.  From Chichester Cathedral.

               At the north-west corner is a vault belonging to Mr. Gay, in the centre of
               which is a fine piece of sculpture. On a pedestal is represented Time, in a
               sitting posture,  holding an  hourglass in  his left hand—the right hand
               extended, holding a scroll, on which are inscribed the following beautiful
               and expressive lines:—
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