Page 29 - Poetry-Animals
P. 29

Unless she’s fast asleep her big bright eyes
                              Are always begging for a little fun.

                                     I’ve heard folks say
                        That puss can scratch, and even swear and spit;
                            That she will hunt a mouse’s life away,
                          That tender birdlings should beware my kit;
                         But, owning frankly there may be some cause
                           For these grave charges, I am true to her;
                           ‘Tis pussy’s nature, and those cruel claws
                            Are ever sheathed for me in velvet fur.

                                         Also I fear
                        When tea-time comes and milk, she’s not above
                              Increasing her caresses, till we hear
                          A whisper now and then of “cupboard love.”
                           Yet need not puss distress herself at that,
                            For we are not so blameless that we can
                              Consistently condemn my little cat
                        For foibles which are sometimes shown by man.

                                        So puss and I
                           Will keep our fond alliance, undismayed
                          By dark suggestions, though they half imply
                          Such confidence may be one day betrayed.
                             Ah! kitty mine, if we were only slow
                            To hear against another word of blame,
                            How often would affection firmer grow,
                        And friendship prove more worthy of the name.

                            — Sydney Grey (Girl’s Own Paper, 1885)

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