Page 30 - Poetry-Animals
P. 30

The Ass’s Flight

             An Ass, with noble ardor fired
             (For e’en an ass may be inspired ),
             Standing in classic pose aloof
             Upon his native stable’s roof,
             With bray of loud triumphant sound
             Summoned the gaping barnyard round.

             “Dear friends,” the Ass began, “I call
             You here together, one and all,
             To view with strict, impartial eye
             My earliest attempt to fly.
             I know that when evolvent grace
             Produced, in time, the Ass’s race,
             Nature, so boon in other things,
             By some strange chance omitted wings.
             I know the smallest birds that fly
             May pierce with ease the azure sky,
             While we are destined from our birth
             To walk the dull, prosaic earth.
             Is theirs the praise? Not so, I trust;
             They do but fly because they must:
             Nor can they know—light, careless things—
             The grandeur that from Effort springs.
             How great is Effort! By its aid
             This universal frame was made;
             By Effort Nature brought to pass
             Her last and noblest work, the Ass;
             By Effort, too, as I opine,
             The sun at morn begins to shine.
             Since Effort then so much can do,
             I mean to try its power too.
             But first, before I take my flight
             From off this ridge-pole’s dizzy height,
             Perchance some one of you may ask
             How to perform this glorious task.
             First, then, you earnestly desire;
             Second, you ardently aspire;
             Thirdly, with all your heart you yearn;
             Fourth, in your inmost soul you burn;

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