Page 51 - Poetry-Animals
P. 51

I always shall eat you!
               It’s hard thus to treat you,
                   But when I am hungry—it’s harder!

               “So now we’ll adjourn
               All remarks, and return
                   Our attention to lunch for a minute;”
               But wise Mother Hubbard
               Reached down from her cupboard
                   A muzzle, and popped his head in it!

               — Flora Klickmann (Windsor Magazine, 1900)

               The Thankful Mouse

               It was a hungry pussy cat
                   Upon Thanksgiving morn,
               And she watched a thankful little mouse
                   That ate an ear of corn.

               “If I eat that thankful little mouse,
                   How thankful he should be,
               When he has made a meal himself,
                   To make a meal for me!
                “Then, with thanks for having fed
                   And his thanks for feeding me—
               With all his thankfulness inside—
                   How thankful I should be!”
               Thus “mewsed” the hungry pussy cat
                   Upon Thanksgiving Day.
               But the little mouse had overheard,
                   And declined (with thanks) to stay.
               —(Harper’s Young People)

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