Page 70 - Poetry-Books
P. 70

What She Said About It

             Lyrics to Inez and Jane,
                Dolores and Ethel and May;
             Señoritas distant as Spain,
                And damsels just over the way!

             It is not that I’m jealous, not that,
                Of either Dolores or Jane,
             Of some girl in an opposite flat,
                Or in one of his castles in Spain.

             But it is that, salable prose
                Put aside for this profitless strain,
             I sit the day darning his hose,
                And he sings of Dolores and Jane.

             Though the winged horse we know must be free
                To “spurn [for the pretty] the plain,”
             Should the team-work fall wholly on me
                While he soars with Dolores and Jane?

             I am neither Dolores nor Jane,
                But to lighten a little my life
             Might the Poet not spare me a strain
                Although I am only his wife!

             — Charles Henry Webb (Century Magazine, 1892)

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