Page 73 - Poetry-Books
P. 73

“We sincerely hope this is but the first
                   Creation of your brain;
               And whenever a second tale is evolved,
                   We beg you will call again.

               “If a personal call would be too much,
                   In the rush of your busy life,
               Pray trust your sheets to the U.S. mail,
                   Or send them up by your wife.

               “For a man of your very evident worth
                   We keep an open account,
               And shall always be glad to make an advance
                   Of cash to any amount.

               “We never give up a poem or tale
                   That once gets into our grip;
               But because a good many are sent to us,
                   We use this printed slip.”

               (Here he read from a slip:) “‘Your MS. received,
                   And accepted with ardent thanks;
               We send you a signed and certified check,
                   And beg you’ll fill up the blanks.’

               “It is not for poor devils of editors
                   To refuse good authors, I ween;
               And of course, if we suffer from lack of space,
                   We enlarge the magazine.”

               I awoke; and, alas! it was but a dream,
                   And my story not even begun;
               And I know it must go the usual rounds,
                   If ever I get it done.

               P. S.-
               I respectfully beg to submit this verse
                   While yet the ink is damp;
               In case of refusal I’ll call for it
                   Not having an extra stamp.

               — H.S. Huntington (Century Magazine, 1893)

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