Page 74 - Poetry-Books
P. 74

Exit Poetry

             Alack, poor Phoebus, shut up shop,
                And send the Muses packing!
             Our old-time ways of turning lays
                In rules were sadly lacking.
             Instead of “light that never was
                On sea or land” beholden,
             They turn on verse electric light;
                And scout our methods olden.

             The veriest freshman of the schools
                Now threatens to surpass us:
             They’ve got an Inclined Plane to lift
                The rhymer up Parnassus.
             They’ve turned your Fount of Castaly
                To steam to furnish “power,”
             And handbooks of Poetics make
                A poet in an hour!

             The simple song, from simpler heart,
                To law once bade defiance,
             But verse no more can be an art—
                They’ve changed it to a science.
             Since half the bards are pedants grown,
                And half are college fellows,
             The minstrel’s occupation’s gone
                As surely as Othello’s!

             Said Phoebus: “Bards began to sing
                Ere handbooks of Poetics
             Set all the world to tinkering
                A sort of rhymed athletics.
             What boots it that from dawn to dark
                You spend the hours rehearsing
             This ground-and-lofty tumbling, or
                The Del Sarte drill in versing?

             “Until some spark of fire divine
                Has set the heart aglow, it
             Is not the rules of all the schools

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