Page 38 - Poetry-Family
P. 38

Decorated by my daughter with her boldest fancy scrawl,
             I’m glad to classify these facts by scientific knowledge,
             And rejoice I am a mother who has had a course in college.

             — Alice Ames Winter (Century Magazine, 1898)

             A Serious Time

             Put away the beefsteak, Mollie:
                Chop the cutlet into hash;
             Turn the solids into salads;
                Crush potatoes into mash.
             Bake the rice in little patties;
                Have the mush with dressing mixed,
             For the hour is fraught with danger—
                Papa’s teeth are being fixed.

             Mix the festive pancake batter;
                Chop the lobster into bits;
             Fry the soft and plastic doughnut
                That the grinder never grits;
             Cut the bread in yielding slices,
                Lay an oyster in betwixt;
             Banish all the pleasant solids—
                Papa’s teeth are being fixed.

             —(Worcester Gazette)

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