Page 42 - Poetry-Family
P. 42

That Boy

             Is the house turned topsy-turvy?
                Does it ring from street to roof?
             Will the racket still continue,
                Spite of all your mild reproof?
             Are you often in a flutter?
                Are you sometimes thrilled with joy?
             Then I have a grave suspicion
                That you have at home—that Boy.

             Are the walls and tables hammered?
                Are your nerves and ink upset?
             Have two eyes, so bright and roguish,
                Made you every care forget?
             Have your garden-beds a prowler,
                Who delights but to destroy?
             These are well-known indications
                That you have at home—that Boy.

             Have you seen him playing circus—
                With his head upon the mat
             And his heels in mid air twinkling—
                For his audience, the cat?
             Do you ever stop to listen,
                When his merry pranks annoy—
             Listen to a voice that whispers,
                You were once just like—that Boy?

             Have you heard of broken windows,
                And with nobody to blame?
             Have you seen a trowsered urchin
                Quite unconscious of the same?
             Do you love a teasing mixture
                Of perplexity and joy?
             You may have a dozen daughters,
                But I know you’ve got—that Boy.

             — (from a Victorian Scrap Album)

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