Page 37 - Poetry-Romance
P. 37

Not only that!—He’s interviewed my maid!
               And she has told him all she knew!—The jade!

               Ah, well!—who’ll be the wiser anyway?—
               You can’t believe a word the papers say.

               — Clarence Clough (Century Magazine, 1883)

               A Theosophic Marriage

               She was a theosophic miss
                   Who sighed for sweet Nirvana;
               She talked of esoteric this
                   And that, in mystic manner.
               She wore a wide and psychic smile,
                   Used diction transcendental.
               Two suitors her besieged meanwhile—
                   Both softly sentimental.

               The one, he was a drummer bland,
                   Who wore a lofty collar;
               He knew not things were hollow, and
                   He chased the nimble dollar.
               The other was a soulful youth,
                   Who talked of things symbolic;
               Enamored quite of inner truth
                   And predisposed to colic.

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