Page 77 - Poetry-Romance
P. 77

(Saccharine; genus—Wait! am I assified?
               Do I forget how the maple is classified?),
               While the setting sun spread a mirror of dew
               From which to reflect soft rays—on you!
               And I suffered from curious perturbations
               (Pectoral, taking the form of pulsations)
               Which never as yet have been given a name;
               For never as yet have conditions the same
               Combined to arouse in the human breast
               A similar state of excited unrest.

               My theory is that, subjecting my mind
               Too completely to yours, they have intertwined;
               And while I am chained to themes unprolific,
               You, I suppose, have become scientific.

               ‘T is very disquieting. Can you suggest
               Some remedy that, at the least, we might test?
               I’m almost unhinged, while you have attained
               The knowledge for which I have struggled and  strained—
               A knowledge to you but a burden, a care.
               Its loss means for me scientific despair,
               Through which I discern a strange suspicion
               (Not founded on reason, but intuition)
               That, somehow or other, our minds’ delinquity
               May be ascribed to a lack of propinquity.

               — Walter D. Robinson (Century Magazine, 1897)

               The Latest Fad

               Nannette is just the dearest girl;
                   To her I vow my love and duty;—
               From slipper-tip to shining curl—
                   She’s my ideal of dainty beauty.

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