Page 33 - Poetry-Whimsy
P. 33

Faces the double-gated wall,
           Advances firmly, and—that’s all!

           Right here the story halts. The sequel
           Its author left with chances equal.
           Did Love decree the youth’s survival,
           Although united to a rival?

           II. THE SOLUTION.

           This tiger, savage, sleek, and strong,
           Had fasted there alone and long
           And grown to be far hungrier than a
           Wild quadrupedal Doctor Tanner.

           He sniffed the wall that did divide
           Him from the maid on t’other side.
           One sniff, two sniffs, three sniffs were all;
           Then he forthwith tore down the wall.

           *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

           Sir Tiger now has had his fill.
           Another pound would make him ill.
           He’s no more need for persons raw,
           Than Barnum’s tiger stuffed with straw.

           Too long we’ve let our hero stand
           Since his fair princess raised her hand.
           Boldly he opes the right-hand portal
           Then staggers back in terror mortal!

           From out the gate-way, crouching low,
           The tiger steps, sedate and slow.
           Stops, stoops, unsheathes and sheathes his claws,
           While all may note the awful paws!

           He gives the youth a scornful glance
           And passes on with looks askance.
           He does not seem to care to eat him
           Meets him, in fact, but doesn’t meat him.

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