Page 35 - Poetry-Whimsy
P. 35

Advice to Girls Intending a
           Pedestrian Tour

           Go to bed before dark,
           Be up with the lark;
           Have your breakfast at seven,
           Then walk till eleven.
           Get your dinner at one
           (Unless you’d have none,
           But luncheon prefer
           On a bank in the air).
           Take tea about four,
           Then walk three hours more;
           Have your supper at eight—
           That will not be too late.

           When your Bible you’ve read,
           And put down how you’ve sped,
           Betake you to bed;
           There rest till the morrow
           Without care or sorrow.
           Awake at the dawn
           Of the following morn,
           And your journey pursue
           Through the morning dew.

           With “Da Capo” I end
           And am truly your friend,
           Unknown though I be,
           Unless you can see
           Who is meant by – S.G.
           P.S.—If the weather is fine
           These counsels of mine
           Will fit to a “T”;
           But if wet it be,
           You must alter your plan,
           And walk—when you can.

           —(Girl’s Own Paper, 1883)

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