Page 52 - Poetry-Whimsy
P. 52

A Variation of Hood*

          I remember, I remember
             That boarding house forlorn,
          The little window where the smell
             Of hash came in the morn.
          I mind the broken looking-glass,
             The mattress like a rock,
          The servant girl from County Clare,
             Whose face would stop a clock.

          I remember, I remember
             The gutta percha hen
          They used to serve for chick of spring
             To thirteen hungry men.
          We blasted it with dynamite,
             We vexed its bones full sore,
          In vain; ‘twas served up fricasseed
             For two or three days more.
          I remember, I remember
             The next room’s fiendish wight,
          Who practiced the B flat cornet
             From early morn till night.
          We stood his dreary “Peak-a-Boo,”
             “Sweet Violets,” and more;
          But when he tried “We Never Speak”
             We wallowed in his gore.

          I remember, I remember
             The lengthy weekly bill
          Received by me with shudders, and
             The symptoms of a chill.
          I also call to mind the night
             When no one was about,
          When into space I dropped my trunk,
             And through the dark skipped out.

          —(The Chicago Herald, ca. 1886)

          *Thomas Hood [1799-1845] was the author of the well-known poem “I
          Remember, I Remember”.

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