Page 52 - English
P. 52

VII: Historical.

            Christopher Columbus went to sea untill he was 14 years of age. He
               dreamed there was a place named America and after much
               adversity he finally discovered it.
            Christopher Columbus was called the Father of his Country.
            Queen Isabella of Spain sold her watch and chain and other millinery
               so that Columbus could discover America.
            Columbus set sale in three small ships called Nina, Pinter and Santa
            The first land Columbus discovered was Gibraltar.
            Columbus was the first white man who discovered America.
            Columbus knew the earth was round because he balanced an egg on
               the table.
            Columbus perished in sight of land.
            The West Indians was the first discovered by Christies Columbies.
            The west Indaines was discovered in 1692 by Chrissor Columbius.
            The Crusaders were the first to settle America.

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