Page 55 - English
P. 55

The Britons founded the Druids. They ust to hold religious services
                   out of doors.
               The Druids were supposed to be Roman Catholicks.
               The Crusaders were fanatics who fought in tournaments.
               The Habeas Corpus Act said that a body whether alive or dead could
                   be produced in court.
               Alfred the Great reigned 872 years. He was distinguished for letting
                   some buckwheat cakes burn and the lady scolded him.
               Rufus was named William on account of his red hair. He established
                   the curfew fire bell.
               William the Conqueror was the first of the Mormons.
               Edward the black Prince was famous for founding chivalry.
               Chivalry is a fight on horseback between two horsemen in an open
               A night errant is a man who goes around in the night in search of
               The Middle Ages come in between antiquity and posterity.
               The War of the Roses was between the white and the red.
               Henry Eight was famous for being a great widower having lost
                   several wives.
               Lady Jane Grey studied Greek and Latin and was beheaded after a
                   few days.
               Queen Mary married the Dolphin.
               Elizabeth was  called  the  Virgin  queen  because  of  her many
                   accomplishments and she had a great many fine dresses.
               The unfortunate Charles First was executed and after he was
                   beheaded he held it up exclaiming Behold the head of a trater!
               Cromwell was only a parallel with Bonaparte.
               Queen Victoria was the 4th son of George Third the Duke of Kent.
               John Bright is noted for an incurable disease.
               Lord James Gordon Bennett instigated the Gordon Riots.

               Joan of  Arc lived in New Orleans where she was  discovered and
                   burned by the British.

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