Page 53 - English
P. 53

The  American  colonies were settled by  Dutch navegators who
                   founded them.
               The first English settlements were made in the Gulf of Mexico.
               Slaves were introduced to this country by  Spain and Portugese
               Kink Louis decleared ware against Kink William who commanded
                   the English Fources.
               A party of French  and lndains came to Sketiney and the Indains
                   tomahorks was frozen. It was a very bobloody war. For Fourty
                   years  the war was but it  did not last longe.  The war  ended in
                   1776 because Kink Phillip discovered the dead. It was called his
                   war because he was the cheaf mouver of it.
               Virginia was named from Queen Virgin who was called Elizabeth.
               The Indians were the first Americans and they settled over a vast
                   expanse of the county.
               Salem witch craft was a son of Massasoit.
               The Indian wars were very desecrating to the country.
               The Indians pursued their warfare by hiding in bushes and  then
                   scalping them.
               Captain John Smith has been styled the father of his country. His life
                   was saved by his daughter Pochahantas.
               The Puritans found an insane asylum in the wilds of America.
               They were called Puritans because they were more  quiet  than  the
               Miles Standish discovered Plymouth and it was named in his honor.
               Roger Williams called the settlement Rhode Island in honor of God’s
                   merciful Providence shown to him.
               William Penn was born in Boston in 1007. He was the first white
                   man who founded  Pennsylvania. He founded Pennsylvania
                   because his name was William Penn.
               William Penn discovered Philadelphia and laid out its streets.
               The Stamp Act was to make everybody stamp all materials so they
                   should be null and void.
               Benedict Arnold was greatly regretted by the Americans as well as
                   by the English.

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