Page 54 - English
P. 54

Benjamin Franklin  is  the finest Example of a  selfmad  man that
               American History affords. He commenced life as a tallow
               chandelier boy and step by step became a Great Genius.
            George Washington was born in 1492.
            At White Plains Gen. Washington murdered several hundred men.
            Gen. Washington is famous for the Washington Monument.
            Washington wrote the Declareation of Independence in 1492.
            George Washington inherited consumption in the army.
            Washington died in Spain almost brokenhearted. His remains were
               taken to the cathedral in Havanna.
             The Mexican war was the war of Texas with the United States.
            Gen. Scott fought bravely at the battle of Wingfield.
            When  the  Wig party was in power there was striks all over  the
            Slavery was caused by the admission of Missouri into the Union.
            The Missouri Compromise compelled slaves to enter all the different
               states and territories.
            Gorilla warfare was war where men rode on gorillas.
            The Border Ruffians were founded to  prevent all emigrants into
               Kansas and they sacrificed considerable lives.
            John Brown was a very good insane man who tried to get slaves into
               Virginia.  He  captured  all  the  inhabitants,  but was  finally
               conquered and condemned to his death.
            The confederasy was formed by the fugitive slaves.

            England was named by the Angels.
            The Celts were driven out of England into Whales.
            Julius Caesar invaded England 400 years B.C. The English condition
               was in a rude state. They joined in games such as cock fighting.
            The Brittains were the Saxons who entered England in 1492 under
               Julius Caesar.
            The Britains came from  Brittany. They were a brave and warlike
               people and lived by fishing and manufactures.
            The Britains conquered Julius Caesar and drove him ignominiously
               from his dominions.

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