Page 69 - English
P. 69

Tennyson is a very populus poet.
               The greatest writers of the present day are Lord Beconsfield who
                   wrote  the  “History of  Cyprus”  and Miss Braddon  who wrote
                   “Peverel of the Peak.”
               Sir Walter Scott Charles Bronte Alfred the Great and Johnson were
                   the first great Novelists.
               The most important event in the life of  Horace was his birth in 45.
               The Iliad is called an Epic poem because it was first written in the
                   Epic dialect.
               Homer’s writings are Homer’s Essays Virgil the Aneid and paradise
                   lost  some  people  say  that  these  poems  were  not  written  by
                   Homer but by another man of the same name.
               Sanscrit is not used as much as it used to be as it went out of use
                   1500 B.C.

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