Page 65 - English
P. 65

Milton’s married  life was not happy. He married three wives in
               Milton’s wife would not live with him. His life was to strict for her.
                   At last thinking that he ment to get a Divorce as he was writeing
                   on that subject she returned to him.
               Milton wrote  “Miltons Paradise”  lost and  “Paradise”  regained in
                   which Satan is represent as rebelling against our Saviour just as
                   sinners and those who have sinned but have been converted.
               Milton’s principal work  is the exclusion of the bad angels  out of
               Paradise lost begins rather low at first, but ends in one great climax.
               John Bunyan lived a life of scantity.
               The principal works of John Dryden was Lives of the poets,
                   belonging to Literature.
               Addison is the author of child Harold.
               Sam Johnson was so queer in his writings that he was always called
               Fielding his works have been regarded with great success.
               Richardson had the honor of standing among the first of his time.
               Sterne may be regarded as a formost writer of great praise.
               Smollett is a writer of great renown to some but others have never
                   considered his genius.
               Peter the simple was written by Hume so as to describe a man who
                   was not very bright.
               By DeFoe’s genius he managed to get hold of the necessities of life
                   and so managed to live.
               John Locke was a writer of England who wrote very extremely on
                   Political Economy.
               John Locke’s works were ministerial.
               John Locke’s writings are sarcastic and cold. He wrote a white Devil
               John Locke was not of a poetical turn of mind.
               John Locke’s works are  full of energy and lack no little want of
               Alexander Pope  is an English Novalist and deserving of special
                   praise when we consider his misfortunes in bodily ailments. No

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