Page 64 - English
P. 64

John Milton was a great of the Elizabethan age. He Graduated from
               Colledge and devoted himself to literary persuits. His principal
               works are Paridise  lost and regained this poem is very great
               when we consider the circumstances which it was written under
               having been born blind he translated it to his daughter and after
               all that it was sold for 5 lbs.
            Milton was called the blind poet and justly so as he was born blind.
               His brain worked and worked until  it gave to the world  a
               masterpiece of poetry in  Paridise Lost. It is his greatest  effort
               though he is the author of several others.
            John Milton’s parents paid great attention to his litarary talents. John
               was a mere boy when his parents noticed him displaying great
               genius and love for writting and they then set to work to have
               this spirit advanced.
            John Milton’s parents could not send his son to school so long as he
               desired to. So he was sent to work at a early age to procure a
               means of livelihood, he was willing to do almost every thing to
               get along, so as  to  take part  in  some literary pursuit. So
               providence favored his attempts.
            Milton’s father was a Pureitan but still wished to give his son a good
               education. He spent a few years with a privit tutor and then went
               to reside in his  father’s  palace where he studied  music and
            Milton  showed great aptitude for love of learning, so that his
               education was carefully looked into. He was very popular with
               the puritan party because he was such a very puritan.
            Milton had a very intellectual mind. The early part of Milton’’s life
               was uphill work. He rose in favor towards the central part.
            John Milton was always poor. He never became rich. He had a great
               many trials and suffering and povety.
            Milton formed a type of the Puritan ascendency.
            John Milton wrote translations and very sublime writings.
            Milton is divided into three periods. L’Allegro was a novel written
               by him the greatest of English  novelists since Shakespeare. Ill
               Penserose was written by him.
            Three times Milton gave his hand and was united in matrimony.

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