Page 101 - Graveyard
P. 101

G r av e y ar d H u m o r  | 99

                   Here lieth W. W.
                   Who never more will trouble you, trouble you.

               282.  On a Miser:—

                   Reader, beware of immoderate love of pelf:
                   Here lies the worst of thieves, who robbed himself.

               283.  From the Old Cemetery, Newport, Monmouthshire:—

               On James Austin, Engine-driver.

                       “He was a man.”

               284.  From the same place. On a Scotch Piper:—

                  To the memory of Mr. John Macbeth, late piper to His Grace the Duke
                  of Sutherland, and a native of the Highlands of Scotland:

                   Died April 24 , 1852, Aged 46 years.
                   Far from his native land, beneath this stone,
                   Lies John Macbeth, in prime of manhood gone;
                   A kinder husband never yet did breathe,
                   A finer friend ne’er trod on Albyn’s heath;
                   His selfish aims were all in heart and hand,
                   To be an honour to his native land,
                   As real Scotchmen wish to fall or stand;
                   A handsome Gael he was of splendid form,
                   Fit for a siege, or for the Northern Storm.
                   Sir Walter Scott remarked at Inverness,
                   “How well becomes Macbeth the Highland dress!”
                   His mind was stored with ancient Highland lore;
                   Knew Ossian’s songs, and many Bards of yore;
                   But music was his chief, and soul’s delight,
                   And oft he played, with Amphion’s skill and might,
                   His Highland pipe, before our Gracious Queen!
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